
Flood Hazard Maps and Alluvial Soil

Flood Hazard and Soil Mapping 

This presentation have allowed me to explore the watershed's neighbourhoods, and which of the residential areas who will need to buy themselves a flood insurance. 

On top of that I further investigated which areas that carry the best soil in terms of absorbing precipitation and water from floods. 

Works Cited

FEMA. (2019). Department of Homeland Security - FEMA. Retrieved November 2019, from Definitions of FEMA Flood Zone Designations: https://snmapmod.snco.us/fmm/document/fema-flood-zone-definitions.pdf
FEMA. (2019, March 06). FEMA. Retrieved November 2019, from About Agency: https://www.fema.gov/about-agency
FEMA. (2019). FEMA. Retrieved from Regional Contacts: https://www.fema.gov/fema-regional-contacts
Hawaii Statewide GIS Program. (2019, March). Geoportal Hawaii. Retrieved November 2019, from Flood Hazard Areas (DFIRM) - Honolulu County - Kailua: http://geoportal.hawaii.gov/datasets/8f0c55dee33f4eb5815dc2b191e684f6_5/data?geometry=-157.866%2C21.370%2C-157.632%2C21.426
United States department of Agriculture. (2019, November 23). Soil Survey. Retrieved November 2019, from Kailua Watershed Soil Survey: https://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/WebSoilSurvey.aspx
Vocabulary.com. (2019). Vocabulary.com. Retrieved from Dictionary - Alluvial Soil: https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/alluvial%20soil

1 comment:

  1. Nikolai, I thought you did a really good job of explaining the different flood zones and possible risks of flooding. Also, your definition of alluvial soils was, I am sure, very helpful to a reader who might not be knowledgeable in agronomy. In general, your whole blog has been very well thought-out, well-referenced and useful to your neighbors in learning more about their watershed.


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