Flood Hazard and Soil Mapping
This presentation have allowed me to explore the watershed's neighbourhoods, and which of the residential areas who will need to buy themselves a flood insurance.
On top of that I further investigated which areas that carry the best soil in terms of absorbing precipitation and water from floods.
Works Cited
FEMA. (2019). Department of Homeland Security - FEMA. Retrieved November 2019, from Definitions of FEMA Flood Zone Designations: https://snmapmod.snco.us/fmm/document/fema-flood-zone-definitions.pdf
FEMA. (2019, March 06). FEMA. Retrieved November 2019, from About Agency: https://www.fema.gov/about-agency
FEMA. (2019). FEMA. Retrieved from Regional Contacts: https://www.fema.gov/fema-regional-contacts
Hawaii Statewide GIS Program. (2019, March). Geoportal Hawaii. Retrieved November 2019, from Flood Hazard Areas (DFIRM) - Honolulu County - Kailua: http://geoportal.hawaii.gov/datasets/8f0c55dee33f4eb5815dc2b191e684f6_5/data?geometry=-157.866%2C21.370%2C-157.632%2C21.426
United States department of Agriculture. (2019, November 23). Soil Survey. Retrieved November 2019, from Kailua Watershed Soil Survey: https://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/WebSoilSurvey.aspx
Vocabulary.com. (2019). Vocabulary.com. Retrieved from Dictionary - Alluvial Soil: https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/alluvial%20soil
Nikolai, I thought you did a really good job of explaining the different flood zones and possible risks of flooding. Also, your definition of alluvial soils was, I am sure, very helpful to a reader who might not be knowledgeable in agronomy. In general, your whole blog has been very well thought-out, well-referenced and useful to your neighbors in learning more about their watershed.